Yoga foundation is very important, so do with me to improve physical fitness and step on the road to health!

We should all know that yoga, like all things, is to step by step, haste makes waste, we do a good job on the basis of every thing, so that the road will go smooth.


Today we are going to talk about the basic poses of yoga. Let's lay the foundation before we do the difficult moves. Otherwise, every step in the end will encounter difficulties, and finally will have no confidence.


The tree type

  1. Stand in mountain pose.
  2. Bend your right leg and place the heel of your right leg on the root of your left thigh with the sole of your foot on top of your left thigh, toes facing down;
  3. Balance on your left foot, palms together, arms straight above your head;
  4. Hold the pose for a few seconds, taking deep breaths, then lower your arms, spread your palms, and straighten your right leg;
  5. Mountain pose, switch to the other side.

The tree pose is a balance pose in yoga that strengthens the leg muscles and the sense of balance. So, there are two main reasons for instability in the tree form. One is that the balance ability of the practitioner is weak, and the other is that the asana is wrong.

Solution: the leg must be activated state in the postures (legs tightened, feet trample down hard), and keep the same as the direction of the knees and toes, if the body balance ability is weak, you need to work to strengthen the balance ability of practice, in addition to yoga postures, can also through yoga ball and other assistive devices to improve balance ability.


Triangular torsion

  1. Legs about two shoulder widths apart, toes facing forward. Raise your arms and open them to the side at shoulder height, palms down.
  2. Twist your waist to the right and inhale, keeping your legs straight, heels on the ground, and your upper body straight and perpendicular to the ground.
  3. Bend your upper body down and grab your right ankle with your left hand. Stretch your right arm up, fingers wide open, head up, eyes toward your right fingertips.

Wrong posture: beginners because the waist and abdomen strength is not enough, when twisting the upper body can not control the body very well, so that the upper body is too drooping center of gravity is unstable, the shoulders can not be extended on the same level. The wrong position can cause injuries to the side of the body, as well as tension in the shoulder and neck muscles and poor circulation.

Practice technique: This pose is a trans stretch against the triangle, which allows the practitioner to master the rotation technique. Effective twisting of the body from the spine to the head is based on stability of the legs and hips. Practice should pay attention to the left and right hip in the same level; When you flip, open your shoulders and chest up, expand your chest, and completely twist your upper body. Lift your arms up and extend your upper body upward. Focus on your side of your waist, not your weight on your falling arms.



Standing forward bend

  1. Mount pose, inhale, lift your hands forward and upward over your head, with your arms close to your ears, palms facing each other, and your spine stretching upward;
  2. Exhale, drop the shoulders, bend the hip plate waist down with the groin as the folding point, place your hands on the mat or on both sides of your feet, arms and legs straight;
  3. Inhale, hollow your back, lift your head and look forward;
  4. Exhale, torso continues downward, extending again;
  5. Inhale, keeping your back sunken, straighten your arms, and use your fingertips to bring your upper body back to mountain pose.


Warm tips:

1: hypertension, heart disease and other blood circulation problems, serious vertigo, high intraocular pressure, head injury, can not do the head lower than the heart posture. Can use right Angle to maintain, and hands akimbo, aware of fatigue, to timely relax the body, not forced, not choke.

2: women during the physiological period can not let the head lower than the heart of the forward flexion posture, and pay attention to rest can not fatigue.

3: in the forward flexion posture, the people whose lumbar is not good should pay attention to observe the lumbar spine, not arch, nor collapse, as far as possible to make the spine and pelvis complete extension. Once the lumbar spine is perceived to be unstable, it should be withdrawn in time and not forced to press the body. And pay attention to rest and relaxation.

4: at the end of the posture, when you get up, you should carry out slowly. You can keep the body in the right Angle, adjust the body, stabilize the strength, breathe naturally, and then slowly get up.

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