Tips to Move

Bend, stretch, chant, smile & LOL..
Expand your bodies & minds with these 5 styles of yoga in our new Sweat to Stretch collection.

Face yoga
That cute face of yours is in for a real treat! Face yoga involves massage and exercises that stimulate the muscles, skin, and lymphatic system. This technique is designed to soften and relax your face muscles to help alleviate tension, stress, and worry... Get ready to knead out the bad juju and bring a whole new meaning of self-care to your yoga practice.

Hot yoga
Give it to us hot! As the name suggests, hot yoga is yoga done under hot and humid conditions (usually 41 degrees), resulting in considerable sweating Unlike stretching it out in a standard cool yoga studio, the heat will have you feeling like a pro and extending further than you thought you could.



Laughter yoga
Exercise more than your funny bone. Laughter yoga involves prolonged voluntary laughter, believed to cause similar physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. LOL your way to a 6-pack with this playful group exercise

Aerial yoga
Like yoga but with wings. Aerial yoga is a unique fusion of techniques, revolutionary in relieving compressed joints and aligning the body from head to toe. The aerial hammock acts as a soft trapeze and as a support while you master simple inversions through to more complex poses and shapes. Fly yogi, fly!


Get those lungs ready! Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that involves chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses. Compared with other forms of yoga, Kundalini yoga is a more spiritual practice and, it’s believed to help balance your chakras and contribute to your spiritual wellness.

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